When is the event ?
Sunday 7th May 2017
What times does it start ?
The event opens to the general public at 12:00 midday.
The rally will set off early in the morning, and begin returning to the finishing line around midday.
Entrants on the rally and the showground will be informed of what time they are required to be on site.
If I enter my car in the rally, can I also display it on the showground ?
Yes of course ! Once you complete the rally and pass through the finishing line, the marshals will direct you onto the showground.
Can I display my car at Showcase with my club ?
Yes. In fact, we are writing to various clubs and registers inviting them to book their own dedicated areas.
What makes of car will be taking part in Showcase ?
So long as it was manufactured in Britain, or made by a British company, it will be welcome. So, sorry, no Ferraris, Porsches or Lamborghinis please !
The organisers of the event are all from MG clubs, so needless to say we expect a good turn out of MGs. However, we are also looking forward to seeing entries from Triumph, Austin, Wolsley, Riley, Jaguar, Lotus, Jensen, Mini (the original variety !), Morgan, Panther, Marcos, Alvis, Reliant/Middlebridge, Bristol, and many many more.
Is there general public parking at the event ?
Yes. General public parking is free.
Will we have access to Cowdray House and gardens ?
No. While our event will be taking place in front of the house, we do not have access to either the house or its gardens. However, we are fairly certain there will be plenty to keep you occupied on the showground !
We would like to travel to the event. Where can we find somewhere local to stay ?
A wide range of local accommodation to suit various budgets can be found here
Dogs. Are we permitted to bring our furry four legged friends along too ?
Yes ! Cowdray permit dogs so long as they are on a lead. The friendly well behaved variety are preferred.
Is this a Concours event ? Does my car have to be in mint condition ?
Good gracious no ! There will be all sorts of prizes to win for all sorts of categories, all in a fairly relaxed atmosphere. Bring your car along, and who knows, it might even win a prize !
Can I just show up in my classic car on the day, and buy a car entry ticket on the gate ?
We would much prefer that you would buy your ticket in advance please. It will help our marshals tremendously with their planning if they know how many cars are coming, and who's coming.
You will find that your entry onto the site is much smoother and faster with a pre-booked ticket. You are also much more likely to be parked with your own club, or with similar cars if we're expecting you.
A pre-booked ticket is also considerably cheaper than an on-the-day ticket. So please buy your ticket now ! Thank you.